Situated in Deogarh, Uttar Pradesh, Dashavatara Temple or Gupta temple is a Vishnu temple built around 500 CE. Built in the late Gupta period, this temple is one of the earliest stone temple that is still surviving today. It is believed that the description provided for a "Sarvatobhadra temple" in the ancient treatise of Vishnudharmottara Purana, was the same as the Vishnu temple of Deogarh.

location Uttar pradesh, Lalitpur , Lucknow


The probable date of the temple's construction has been estimated to  be between 425 and 525 CE.

The Gupta Temple was first discovered by Captain Charles Strahan. The temple was given its name by the archaeologist, Cunnigham and subsequently he renamed it as Dashavatara Temple because the temple depicts ten incarnations of Vishnu and also as Sagar Marh (meaning: the temple by the well). Archaeologists believes that it is the earliest known Panchayatana temple in North India.


The Gupta Temple was the first North Indian temple with a shikhara or tower, although the shikhara is curtailed and part of it has disappeared (details as to when the shikara disappeared are not reported). The temple has a high plinth and is set with a basement porch. A comparative study revealed that the ideal temple design described in the ancient treatise Vishnudharmottara Purana as "Sarvatobhadra temple" was the same as the Vishnu temple of Deogarh. This conclusion was based on plan, size, iconography and several other norms described for building Hindu temples. The temple faces west, with slight deviation to the south that enables the setting sun's rays to fall on the main idol in the temple.


The culture of Deogarh is fascinating and captivating. It tells us about the people of the place, their lifestyle and their beliefs. Observing the culture of Deogarh gives you a fair idea about the traditions and practices that are still followed by the locals. The festivals, the events, the attractions, all reflect the culture of Deogarh in one way or the other. Tourism has picked up in the last decade or so and the local people are generally quite friendly towards the tourists. Come and be mesmerized by the intoxicating culture of Deogarh

Darsan Info

The temple is open from 9:00 AM To 6:00 PM

Darsan Dresscode

There is no specific dresscode

Temple Rituals

There is no rituals performed right now in this temple

Additional Info


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